Pudding spirals

Ingredients for 10 pieces:
500g flour
1 cube of yeast
750ml milk
200g sugar
75g butter
1 egg
1 pinch of salt
1 pack of vanilla pudding powder
1 yolk
1 spoon whipped cream
Powdered sugar
Marmetube strawberry
Add flour into bowl and press a hole into the middle. Add some crumbled yeast, pour 125ml of lukewarm milk and 50g of sugar into the hole and stir with some flour
Cover and let rise somewhere warm for 15 minutes
Melt 40g of butter at low heat and add to dough with 125 lukewarm milk, egg and salt and knead with a dough hook of a mixer to a smooth dough
Let rise for another 45 minutes somewhere warm
Roll out dough to a rectangle on a surface covered with flour
Melt the remaining butter and spread over dough
Sprinkle with 100g of sugar and roll up from the narrow side
Cut into 10 pieces, press spirals flat and place on baking tray
Add pudding powder in 6-7 spoons of milk and stir. Add remaining milk and sugar in a pot and let it cook
Remove pot form stove and add pudding powder while stirring and let it cook again
Add a bit of hot mass in the middle of the spiral and let everything rise somewhere warm for 15 minutes
Stir yolk and whipped cream and spread on the sides of the dough
Bake in pre-heated oven at 200° for 12-15 minutes
Let it cool down and serve decorated with marmetube